Saturday, November 19, 2005

The Bane of My Existence

I live in Logan Square near the intersection of Milwaukee, Diversey, and Kimball. If you go to this intersection and look towards the south corner, you will see the bane of my existence: A giant billboard advertising Garfield: The Movie. This billboard has been up since March. No, not March of this year, but MARCH OF 2004. Every time I drive past this billboard I have a fit of rage. Other billboards in the area change very frequently – the one just one block north on Milwaukee avenue changes about every 2 weeks. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Chicago geography, this is not some wee little intersection with no traffic. Generally it takes five minutes just to get past the lights while driving. This is one of those intersections where 80 year olds ambling by manage to outpace your car dramatically. For whatever reason, the Powers That Be have decided that we get stuck with the same shit billboard for over a year and a half. I swear if the billboard isn’t down within another year, I’ll be forced to write an angry letter or something. I can’t even remember a time when this eyesore wasn’t a fixture in the neighborhood, I seriously started complaining about it over a year ago. And why hasn’t it been tagged yet? Sure, the building is 5 stories tall, but I’ve seen plenty of taller billboards get tagged the day after they get put up. This has got to be some sort of sick joke.


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