Movie Insanity, Part I

Last Sunday I watched a truly crazy movie, Zazie dans le metro (Zazie in the Metro). They’re showing a series of Louis Malle films at Facets, and seeing as he made eleventy thousand movies, there are a few I haven’t seen. I hadn’t read anything about this film and thought it would be a typical early New Wave film, all black-and-white artsy glances and minimalist shots of French people watching scenery move by the train windows. I couldn’t have been more surprised. This movie was a total trip, and frantic to the point where I was tired by the end. Most importantly, it was hilarious, and had some truly insightful and touching movements in the midst of the frenzy. It’s interesting to see something like this – in glaring contrast to the frantic film style that’s in vogue these days, it’s frenzy with substance. I think my favorite part was when the torch-juggling polar bear accidentally burned down the nightclub during the drag Flamenco rehearsal. I’m pretty sure the Circus Circus scene in Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas (with the spinning bar and man in the bear suit) is a direct homage to this scene.
So I’m wondering, is it all right to name my first daughter Zazie? Or is that too much like the dreaded Zowie Bowie phenomenon?
I think Zazie is an awesome name only to be avoided if her last name will be Bazie.
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