#1,981 – VARIAN’S WAR – Does this count as a movie even though it was never released in the theater? I say yes (after all, Adrian Lyne’s Lolita was never released in the theater). Anyway, it’s part of my “William Hurt” queue. This movie was not very good – you can tell it’s made for cable.
#1,982 – TRUE COLORS – This is a great early 90s flick with John Cusack and James Spader. It’s weirdly homoerotic, but I love me some James Spader.
#1,983 – GORKY PARK – Another entry from the William Hurt queue. This movie fits solidly into one of the film categories that bother me: Movies that ostensibly take place in other countries, but all the dialog is in English. This movie takes place in Russia, but everyone speaks English in a variety of strange accents.
#1,984 – RAGING BULL – Can you believe I’ve never seen this movie before? I can’t believe it, either.
#1,985 – PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S CHEST – see 25 blog. What do I think about this movie? Eh, whatever.
#1,986 – ANOTHER WOMAN – An old Woody Allen/Mia Farrow collaboration that I’ve never seen before. It was pretty interesting, although it’s somewhat depressing to see his Mia Farrow films in retrospect.
#1,987 – 16 BLOCKS – Bruce Willis is drunk and old. Mos Def has a weird voice. Hijinks ensue. Actually this movie wasn’t bad.
#1,988 – MIAMI VICE – see 25 blog. I don’t know why I love Colin Farrell’s greasy shoulder-length locks so much. It’s a hairstyle that really doesn’t work on anyone else, in my opinion.
#1,989 – RICK – This was a little-seen independent film starring Bill Pullman. It’s a updated version of Rigoletto, so that much is interesting. But they tried too hard to make this a satire along the lines of American Psycho, and failed in that respect.
#1,990 – INTACTO – This is a Spanish film with an X-Files premise. There were some interesting ideas and visuals, but I found it needlessly convoluted. To enjoy this film you have to really suspend all disbelief (much more than you would while watching The X-Files, even).
#1,991 – PORCILE – A late 60s Pasolini film about bestiality and cannibalism and other charming subjects. The best part of this was the bonus feature – a short documentary about Pasolini, which includes a fake “interview” with an American. He’s this dopey blonde surfer dude who says, “Pasolini? Whatever. I love Antonioni! I saw Zabriskie Point (an Antonioni film) 5 times! I saw The Gospel According to… Matthew, or whoever (a Pasolini film)… that was a piece of crap!” Yes, the director makes fun of another director from his home country in a documentary by using the “American Asshole” stock character. Priceless.
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