My Week As a Bored Housewife

This week I wasn’t able to do anything constructive. I had a ton of things to do: Clean the house, finish my Chinese medical history paper, study for finals, finish the book I’m reading, watch any number of movies which are out now, catch up on my netflix queue, etc. The list goes on and on. Instead, I’m exhibiting more signs of girlishness… in fact, I’d go so far as to say I’m acting like a bored housewife. Facts to support this conclusion:
1. An increased interest in wedding hair and makeup, goaded on by Sandy
2. I impulsively bought a plane ticket/hotel package to go to the Toronto Film Festival. Put it on the credit card! Why not?
3. I got my first pedicure, and spent an hour obsessively trying not to chip it, before I finally did chip it (only slightly – you can’t notice it unless you stick your face right up to my big toe)
4. I spent a considerable amount of time on last night, watching clips of the Ellen show. OK, they were clips of Colin Farrell, but still…
So, I can exhibit all the wasteful qualities of a wife… what does that mean? I’ve got the nightly bored drinking (while scrubbing various parts of the kitchen) down COLD. My big achievement for the day was brushing all four of the cats, what does that mean? My friend Ryan told me that since 4 is the unluckiest number in China (it’s the same word as ‘death’), we should actually have eight cats instead of four (eight is the luckiest number). That last part is irrelevant, really.
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