Not-So-Great Reviewers: Videodrome, Crash, and Crash

Review of “Videodrome” by Mr. BadGas – one star
Watching this film steals two hours from your life. The only thing even slightly redeaming about this film is when james woods puts on a pair of stupid glasses. Of course you have no idea why he went to the glasses shop, or who the salesman is talking to him, or why they go in the basement and put a weird device on his head but other than that the scene was ok
(OK… I admit that Videodrome is an extremely confusing film. But I don’t think it’s quite as confusing as Mr. BadGas makes it out to be.)
Review of “Videodrome” by TK from Garwood, NJ – one star
Was this supposed to be scary? It was more annoying than scary. The best part was seeing Debbie Harry's boobie for about three seconds. This film looked out dated and admitedly is not in my relm of taste. It's a horror movie that atempts to tell a storie and make scense . But it is nothing more that bad eighties cheese that is bogged down by a psudo science fiction pretence which acts only as an excuse for violence and grose out scenes meant to make you squirm but instead I just cringed. Another thing I did'nt like is that you only got to see one of Debbie Harry's boobies not both and for only 3 seconds. A terrible movie.Suitable for Troma.Actualy there's alot of good stuff on Troma.I certainly perfer it over this. P.S.James Woods is a good actor if he has a good role,but This is not one of them.

Review of “Crash” (David Cronenberg’s Crash, that is) by DS from Cranston, RI – one star
I'm only giving it two stars because James Spader is in it. I love him. However, this is the dumbest and weirdest movie I've ever seen. I know he likes the oddball ones, and I can take those ok, but this one just really pushed it. Not recommended, unless you're a freak.
Review of “Crash” by BH from La Mesa, CA – one star
I accidently rented this, mistaking it for the 2005 "Crash" with Sandra Bullock. Didn't realize it until I started watching. I figured it had James Spader in it, who is extremely HOT, so I watched. All I have to say is "ewwwwww." Believe me, I am no prude by any means, but I do like a movie to be mostly believable. This was just a bunch of weirdos getting off to car crashes basically. I expected to find out at the end that it was just James Spader's freaky dream/nightmare. No such luck. It was just mine.
(Ha, ha! Cronenberg unsuccessfully tried to sue Paul Haggis and prevent him from using the title ‘Crash.’ Looks like it might have worked in his favor… people are accidentally renting Cronenberg’s Crash. What an excellent film to rent by mistake. Imagine that… you try to rent a heavy-handed morality play and end up with a film revolving entirely around truly aberrant sexual behavior. Ha, ha!)

Review of “Crash” by PT - five stars
I hardly know where to start raving about this film. It is fabulous. Remember learning about the ripple effect in science? Or maybe 6 degrees of separation? Well envision that effect on a group of otherwise dissimilar people whose lives happen to CRASH. The actors are phenomenal, the story line is totally believable and this movie makes you realize that it's a true representation of everyone's life - yours, mine, his, hers, theirs....
(I'm not even going to start on how worthless the 2005 version of Crash was. It was only redeemed by a few unintentionally hilarious lines and the presence of Brendan Fraser. This reviewer can only be cured by an accidental viewing of Cronenberg’s Crash.)
Review of “Crash” by CH from Dinuba, CA – five stars
People who were upset about this movie winning the Oscar for Best Picture must be supporters of Brokeback Mountain. I'm glad that Crash beat it. This film is more reality than fiction. There is racism and prejudice in not just L. A., but around the world. Everyone is gets racist and prejudice against. The reason why this movie won Best Picture is because is more real. The American Motion Picture Arts and Science made the right decision of giving this movie the Best Picture Oscar instead of Brokeback Mountain. I recommend this movie.
(That’s right, Crash was about prejudice but Brokeback Mountain wasn’t… And Crash is more “reality” than Brokeback, because a story about two gay people in the closet is really unbelievable. This person also needs to accidentally watch Cronenberg’s Crash.)
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